Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fat Girl's Guide to Whatever

I don't watch the show GIRLS. Mainly because I don't have HBO. Also because the commercials were only mildly interesting. I know people freak out about it though. Being that there isn't actual racial diversity or that Lena Dunham is naked. Honestly, it exists on my periphery as I read about it on websites and blogs (though my partner did ask me why she was naked in that one skit for the Emmy's and I had to explain that apparently she's naked all the time on the show or something. He now thinks she's hot).

I didn't care about GIRLS until the Internet freaked out about it yesterday.

I read What Kind of Guy Does a Girl Who Looks Like Lena Dunham ‘Deserve’? over on Jezebel which then linked me over to Guys on Girls Season 2: Was that the worst episode of Girls ever? and I about lost my shit.

Hey "Guys" at Slate? Fuck you. Seriously. A big FAT fuck you.

Because of guys like you, I had serious body issues growing up. I mean, guys like you aren't entirely responsible but man, you're the main reason I was afraid to get naked in front of guys up until like 3 years ago. And you know what? That's NOT ok. That's NOT fair.

Because of guys like you, I dated guys I thought I deserved. Not what I actually deserved. See above about being afraid to be naked in front of guys. I actually did date a guy like you when I was in high school who said I was fat and looked gross during sex (whether or not that was actually the case, it makes you feel like shit when you're 15). Traumatized. I wasn't fat in college outside of anything but traditional standards of heroin chic, but I still got called fat by charming members of your sex. It's a wonder I kept on the path to heterosexuality.

I was afraid of the naked thing because my body isn't perfect. And I treated my body like crap because of this fear. I abused myself by only eating once a day in high school--problematic in and of itself, but compounded by the fact that I was an athlete February through September so I clearly wasn't eating enough. And at my skinniest, I was a size 10. And I hated myself.

I still have a hard time with food. I can't count calories because I will obsess over every little thing. I'm getting better, though. In my quest to be healthy, I joined Weight Watchers because at least then I'll learn the right portions. But I still shame myself when I fuck up. And you know what? I'm human. I'm going to fuck up. Especially when it comes to food.

It's really sad that there HAVE to be shows like "How to Look Good Naked" out there to teach women how to feel better about themselves naked. It breaks my heart that there are kids being fed this same bullshit message that should have fucking died by now. But no. Here it is, alive and well and at Slate.

I don't see people complaining about the nudity all over TRUE BLOOD or GAME OF THRONES. Maybe if Anna Paquin looked more like Lena Dunham they would. Then they'd ask why two hot vampires with questionable accents would be fighting over her fairy blood.

"How can a girl like that get a guy like this?" the charmers at Slate ask. Maybe the Patrick Wilson character likes girls that aren't skinny and are kind of quirky looking. Maybe (from what I understand of this episode) he's a lonely divorcee and is looking for any port in a storm. Does that really matter? Does that really take away from the essence of the episode?

Seriously, Slate. Fuck you.

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